Sunday, January 4, 2009

Time for a haircut?

Lately, both of the Dudes have been sporting pretty prolific heads of hair, which leaves me in something of a quandary.  On one hand, I'd like to let their hair grow out for a while and get a real haircut for them right around the time they turn two.  (For what it's worth, there's suppose to be some huge superstition about cutting their hair before a child is two.)  But over the past while a few people have started to mistake the Dudes, Brendan especially, for girls.  I don't particularly mind or care -- goodness knows I've made the same mistake more than a few times.  But it wasn't until Brendan and I were playing in the gym at the JCC after swimming one day and someone commented, "Look out, Princess!" as a ball rolled toward him.  That was pretty much the last straw for me.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Beth said...

I didn't even know about the superstition. Literally, yesterday I was saying I might need to give Miss Ellis a little trim and now I am worried -- and not even sure why!